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Philipp Köhler, PhD Thesis University of Vienna (2022): " Towards Quantum Experiments on Gravitating Objects "
Lorenzo Magrini, PhD Thesis University of Vienna (2021): “ Quantum measurement and control of mechanical motion at room temperature ”
Claus-Markus Gärtner, PhD Thesis University of Vienna (2020): Advanced membrane architectures for multimode opto-mechanics
Uros Delic, PhD Thesis University of Vienna (2019): Cavity cooling by coherent scattering of a levitated nanosphere in vacuum
Julian Fesel, PhD Thesis University of Vienna (2019): Molcular anions as a coolant for antimatter experiments
Ramon Moghadas Nia, PhD Thesis Universität Wien/Leibniz Universität Hamburg (2018): Multimode optomechanics in the strong cooperativity regime - Towards optomechanical entanglement with micromechanical membranes
Ralf Riedinger, PhD Thesis Universität Wien (2018): Single Phonon Quantum Optics - An experimental exploration of a silicon photonics quantum memory
David Grass, PhD Thesis Universität Wien (2018): Levitated optomechanics in vacuum using hollow core photonic crystal fibers and optical cavities
Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier, PhD Thesis Universität Wien (2017): Generation and Detection of Quantum Entanglement in Optomechanical Systems
Jonas Schmöle, PhD Thesis Universtät Wien (2017): Development of a micromechanical proof-of-principle experiment for measuring the gravitational force of milligram masses
Sebastian Hofer, PhD Thesis Universität Wien (2015): Quantum Control of Optomechanical Systems
Michael Vanner, PhD Thesis Universität Wien (2013): Continuous and Pulsed Cavity Quantum Optomechanics
Simon Gröblacher, PhD Thesis, Universität Wien (2010): Quantum opto-mechanics with micromirrors: combining nano-mechanics with quantum optics
Hannes Rene Böhm, PhD Thesis, Universität Wien (2007): Radiation Pressure Cooling of a Mechanical Oscillator
Master/Diploma Theses
Livia Egyed, Master Thesis, Universität Wien (2022): Light induced dipole dipole interactions between optically levitated nanoparticles
Constanze Bach, Master Thesis, Universität Wien (2021): Detection of a levitated particle's mechanical motion close to the Heisenberg limit
Klemens Winkler, Master Thesis, Universität Wien (2018): An analytical and computational approach to steady-state optomechanical systems by quantum Langevin equations
Manuel Reisenbauer, Master Thesis, Universität Wien (2018): Dissipative Optomechanics on a Levitated Microresonator
Martin Siegele, Master Thesis, Universität Wien (2017): Particle synthesis, preparation, and loading for cavity optomechanics
Hans Hepach, Master Thesis, Universität Wien (2015): Design and Characterisation of a Low-Noise, Audio-Band Photodetector at 100mW Optical Power
Julian Fesel, Master Thesis, Universität Wien (2014): Position readout of an optically trapped nano sphere in a hollow core photonic crystal fiber as a step towards parametric feedback cooling
Ralf Riedinger, Master thesis, Universität Marburg/Universität Wien (2013): Optomechanical State Reconstruction and Optical Noise Reduction for Cavity Optomechanical Experiments
Uroš Delić, Master thesis, Universität Wien (2013): Optical readout and control of a levitated dielectric sphere inside a high-finesse cavity
David Grass, Master thesis, Universität Wien (2013): Optical Trapping and Transport of Nanoparticles with Hollow Core Photonic Crystal Fibers
Jonas Schmöle, Master thesis, Universität Wien (2011): Towards magnetic levitation in optomechanics
Dilek Demir, Diploma thesis, Universität Wien (2011): A table-top demonstration of radiation pressure
Alexey Trubarov, Diploma thesis, Universität Wien (2010): Measurement of thermal bath of a harmonic oscillator
Katharina Gugler, Diploma thesis, Universität Wien (2008): Aufbau eines Faser-Interferometers zur Charakterisierung von mikromechanischen Spiegeln
Florian Blaser, Diploma thesis, Université de Neuchâtel (2008): Mechanical FEM Analysis and Optical Properties of micromirrors for radiation-pressure experiments
- Niels Bohr Institute
- Theses by NBI
- Ph.D. theses
- Ph.D. theses - Quantum...
Ph.D. theses - Quantum Optics and Photonics
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Albert Schliesser
Jonas Bundgaard Mathiassen
Supervised by Professor Eugene S. Polzik, Assistant Professor Jean-Baptiste Béguin
Julian Curry Robinson-Tait
Supervisor: Jörg Helge Müller
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Eugene S. Polzik
Vasiliki Angelopoulou
Supervisor: Prof. Peter Lodahl
Patrik Isene Sund
Svend krøjer møller.
Academic advisor: Prof. Karsten Flensberg
Hans Stærkind
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Eugene S. Polzik, Assoc. Prof. Esben T. Petersen and Research Fellow Vincent O. Boer.
Valeriy Novikov
Sofus laguna kristensen, oliver august dall’alba sandberg.
Supervisor: Prof. Anders S. Sørensen
Supervisor: Prof. Jörg Helge Müller
Mads Bjerregaard Kristensen
Atefeh shadmani.
Supervisors: Peter Lodahl and Leonardo Midolo
Ming Lai Chan
Christian folkersen bærentsen, dags olsteins.
Academic advisor: Thomas Sand Jespersen
Nils Valentin Hauff
Michaela eichinger.
Academic advisors: Prof. Charles M. Marcus and Assoc. Prof. Morten Kjaergaard
Bsc - Msc - Phd theses
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Ph.D. theses >>
Select topic for PhD
- Astrophysics
- Biocomplexity and Biophysics
- Condensed matter physics
- Experimental Particle physics
- Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth
- Quantum Optics and Photonics
- Theoretical high energy, astroparticle and gravitational physics
Ph.D. Theses
- Photonic graph state generation from individual atoms in an optical cavity Philip Thomas, PhD Thesis, TU München
- A Quantum-Logic Gate between Optical Photons Based on Cavity Rydberg Blockade Thomas Stolz, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Electic Field Controlled Collisions of Trapped Polyatomic Molecules Manuel Koller, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Erbium dopants in silicon nanophotonic waveguides Lorenz Weiß, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Quantum Communication with a Two-Atoms Network Node Stefan Langenfeld, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Ein Photon-Photon-Quantengatter basierend auf Rydberg-Rydberg-Wechselwirkung Steffen Schmidt-Eberle, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Single-Photon Distillation and Nonlocal Quantum-Logic Gate Severin Daiß, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Nondestructive detection of photonic qubits with single atoms in crossed fiber cavities Dominik Niemietz, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Enhancing the Emission and Coherence of Erbium Dopants Benjamin Merkel, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Long-lived and Efficient Qubit Memory for Photonic Quantum Networks Matthias Körber, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Cold, Dense, and Slow Samples of Polyatomic Molecules for Collision Experiments Thomas Gantner, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Atomic Cycles in Cavity QED Nicolas Tolazzi, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Quantenbits in Ensembles ultrakalter Rydberg-Atome Daniel Tiarks, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Photon-Mediated Quantum Information Processing with Neutral Atoms in an Optical Cavity Stephan Welte, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Two-Photon Gate and Creation of Optical Cat States using One Atom in a Cavity Bastian Hacker, PhD Thesis, TU München
- An Ultracold Gas of Electrically Trapped Formaldehyde Alexander Prehn, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Atomic antiresonance and parametric feedback in a strongly coupled atom-cavity quantum system Christian Sames, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Interacting Photons in a Strongly Coupled Atom-Cavity System Christoph Hamsen, Phd Thesis, TU München
- Optical microcavities for quantum communication with single atoms Manuel Uphoff, PhD Thesis, TU München
- A Centrifuge Decelerator and a Thermometer for Cold Polar Molecules Xing Wu, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Resonance Fluorescence of an Atom Pair in an Optical Resonator Andreas Neuzner, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Rotational-state cooling and detection of trapped CH 3 F molecules Rosa Glöckner, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Photon Blockade with Memory and Slow Light using a Single Atom in an Optical Cavity Haytham Chibani, PhD Thesis, TU München
- A Single-Photon Switch and Transistor based on Rydberg Blockade Simon Baur, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Remote Entanglement of Two Single Atoms Carolin Hahn, PhD Thesis, TU München
- A controlled phase gate between a single atom and an optical photon Andreas Reiserer, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Sisyphus-Kühlung von polyatomaren Molekülen Barbara Englert, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Electric Trapping and Cooling of Polyatomic Molecules Martin Zeppenfeld, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Quantum state transfer between remote single atoms Christian Nölleke, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Ein kohärentes Logikgatter für Lichtpulse basierend auf atomarer Vierwellenmischung in einem Bose-Einstein-Kondensat Christoph Vo, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Construction and Operation of a Cryogenic Source for Cold Polar Molecules Christian Sommer, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Elektromagnetisch induzierte Transparenz mit einem einzelnen Atom Martin Mücke, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Ein Bose-Einstein-Kondensat als Quantenspeicher für Zwei-Teilchen-Verschränkung Matthias Lettner, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Classical and Quantum Dynamics of a Strongly Coupled Atom-Cavity System Markus Koch, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Einzelatom-Quantenspeicher für Polarisations-Qubits Holger Specht, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Two-photon gateway and feedback control of a single atom in a cavity Alexander Kubanek, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Coherent dynamics and state detection of single atoms in a cavity Jörg Bochmann, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Cold guided beams of polar molecules Michael Motsch, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Optical Control of a Magnetic Feshbach Resonance Dominik Bauer, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Distribution of Quantum Information between an Atom and Two Photons Bernhard Weber, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Nonlinear spectroscopy of a single-atom-cavity system Ingrid Schuster, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Quantum Interface between an Atom and a Photon Tatjana Wilk, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Interacting Feshbach Molecules Niels Syassen, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Elektrisches Speichern neutraler Atome und Moleküle Thomas Rieger, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Trapping and observing single atoms in the dark Thomas A. Puppe, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Single photons from a single atom trapped in a high-finesse optical cavity Markus Hijlkema, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Ultracold Rubidium Molecules Thomas Volz, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Kühlen und Positionieren eines Atoms in einem optischen Resonator Stefan Nußmann, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Guiding and Trapping of Cold Dipolar Molecules Tobias Junglen, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Zeitaufgelöste Zwei-Photonen Interferenz Thomas Legero, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Cavity Cooling and Spectroscopy of a Bound Atom-Cavity System Peter Maunz, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Feshbach-Resonanzen bei Stößen ultrakalter Rubidiumatome Andreas Marte, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Kontrollierte Erzeugung einzelner Photonen in einem optischen Resonator hoher Finesse Markus Hennrich, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Controlling the motion of an atom in an optical cavity Thomas Fischer, PhD Thesis, TU München
- Stoßlawinen in einem Bose-Einstein-Kondensat Johannes Schuster, PhD Thesis, Uni Konstanz
Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Institut für Experimentalphysik Universität Innsbruck Technikerstrasse 25/4 A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria More information
Ralf Riedinger, PhD Thesis Universität Wien (2018): Single Phonon Quantum Optics - An experimental exploration of a silicon photonics quantum memory. David Grass, PhD Thesis Universität Wien (2018): Levitated optomechanics in vacuum using hollow core photonic crystal fibers and optical cavities. Jason Hoelscher-Obermaier, PhD Thesis ...
Ph.D. theses - Quantum Optics and Photonics ... Towards Minimal Quantum Noise - Conditional broadband quantum noise reduction with negative mass spin oscillators Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Eugene S. Polzik. 2024.02.15. Vasiliki Angelopoulou. Super- and Subradiance of Quantum Dots by Photon-Mediated Coupling
Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics of the Leopold-Franzens University of Innsbruck in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Physics). Carried out under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Rainer Blatt in the Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy Group. Innsbruck, October, 2019
Max-Planck-Institute for Quantum Optics Home. Research. Divisions. Theory. Theory Homepage. Publications & Theses. Theses. Theses. Thesis - Habilitation (1) 2013. Thesis - Habilitation ... Giedke, G.: Quantum Information Processing and Nuclear Spins in Nanostructures. Habilitation, TU / MPQ, München / Garching (2013) ...
niques to a very limited degree. The aim of this thesis is to provide examples of the advantages of an engineering perspective to quantum information systems and quantum models to systems of interest in optical engineering, in both theory and experiment. I present various observations of ultra-low energy optical switching in a cavity
Doctoral thesis submitted to the faculty for Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Physics) Carried out at the Institute for Experimental Physics under supervision of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Rainer Blatt in the group for Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy. May 2021
Quantum Optics Group Online Library PhD Thesis. 1: Superradiant phases and dynamics in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates Finger, Fabian PhD thesis (2024) ... Microscopic control and mesoscopic transport in quantum gases Lebrat, Martin PhD thesis (2019) ETHZ research collection: link: 15:
Photon-Mediated Quantum Information Processing with Neutral Atoms in an Optical Cavity Stephan Welte, PhD Thesis, TU München; Two-Photon Gate and Creation of Optical Cat States using One Atom in a Cavity Bastian Hacker, PhD Thesis, TU München; 2018
imental goal of the eld is to implement a quantum information network consisting of nodes of atoms at which quantum computational algorithms can be performed connected by optical links. This thesis presents the development of techniques applicable to such a network in the continuous variable regime of quantum mechanics.