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Employees form the integral part of an organization. To stay competitive a company will have to keep its employees fully involved in everything that is happening towards their business outcomes. Every employee in the company will have to be committed, motivated and enthusiastic about working for the company and its goals. There has to be a meaningful intersection between what the company is expecting from the employee and what the employee is expecting from the company. For more than a decade now, every organization is interested to know how much their employees are engaged to its cause The term employee engagement may be recently used, but its fundamentals are quite known, researched and established and has existed time immemorial. This paper is an effort to understand this term, its benefits and its importance. This literature review examined peer-reviewed journal articles, working papers, books and other published resources on the internet.
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The Corporate International [ISSN: 2581-6438 (online)], 2021
Employee engagement has turn out to be an essential driver for the development of organization. As competition increased employers recognized the prominence of employee to retain and grow in the knowledge economy. The purpose of the article is to give a conceptual framework of employee engagement with regard service industry. As well as to highlight the numerous aspects that drive employee engagement. The article is completely based on review of past literature on employee engagement. A framework was designed bearing in mind employee's engagement with the task, with team and with the company related variables. Employee involvement as depicted in this study is ideally suited for usage in the organization. Further empirical study should be take on to determine the effect of the suggested framework.
Motivated and engaged employees tend to contribute more in terms of organizational productivity and support in maintaining a higher commitment level leading to the higher customer satisfaction. Employee engagement is the level of commitment and involvement an employee has towards their organization and its values. An engaged employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance within the job for the benefit of the organization. It is a positive attitude held by the employees towards the organization and its values. The paper focuses on various dimensions of employee engagement with its definitions and the various frameworks. The present paper aims to understand the basic concept of employee engagement and to study the different dimensions of employee engagement with the help of review of literature. This paper is based upon review of literature and secondary data collected from various websites, journals, magazines, newspapers and reference books. Literature review has shown prior research work done in this area.
Employee engagement is one of the latest terminologies that have gained enough attention from business organisations in the process of implementing new employee productivity strategies. Its popularity has caught up so fast that even in the absence of a universal definition and concrete conceptualisation; business houses have begun framing strategies to induce employee engagement. The first step in the development of any concept is a definition and a common language that situates the concept across relevant fields. Employee Engagement is an emerging topic being studied with differing conceptualizations and lack of clear definition. Hence, this paper aims at examining the concept of Employee Engagement and its origin to propose a working definition.
Labor et Educatio
Employee engagement is a human resource facet. Engaged employee is the dream of every Chief executive officer. The reason is the consequence of the employee engagement, namely employee job performance and organizational financial performance. Engaged employee is the instrument of organizational success. This study is to present levels of employee engagement. To present an insight on employee engagement through a thorough desk research is another aim of the study.
Employee Engagement is an important driver in an organization to achieve its goals. Engagement is known to be manifested in an employees’ deep interest in the organization’s principles and in an inculcation of a sense of job satisfaction and commitment. In a work context, the value of employee engagement as a continuous activity to work jointly with collectively discussed inputs is known to produce positive outcomes in an organization in terms of efficiency, productivity and innovation.
Journal of Organisation & Human Behaviour, 2018
Since the conceptualization of engagement by Kahn in the year 1990, it has emerged as an important construct in the academic and practitioner literature. This importance can be attributed to the fact that engagement is touted to be a significant predictor of important organizational outcomes such as productivity, profitability, satisfaction, as well as retention. However, the construct of employee engagement is very vague and different researchers have defined and measured the construct differently. As a result of this, the construct of engagement is shrouded by a cloud of ambiguity. Since different measures are being developed and used, there is little consistency and consensus regarding what drives engagement and how engagement can be developed or increased. This inconsistency often creates confusion for managers and organizations to strategize engagement initiatives. The purpose of this paper is to review the construct of engagement and to systematically focus on drivers and outcomes of engagement in order to find out the gaps in the existing body of knowledge on engagement. Lastly, the paper attempts to develop a conceptual framework on the basis of which future empirical study may be conducted. OBJECTIVES The objectives of this paper are as follows: • to review key studies on drivers and consequences of engagement and identify the research gaps in the light of the past studies; • to develop a conceptual framework based on the identified research gaps for future empirical study. The review is presented in four sections: (a) methodology; (b) theoretical overview; (c) antecedents and consequences of employee engagement; and (d) discussion and conclusion.). Based on the purpose of the study, only scholarly data sources were identified for the review. The studies selected for review and analysis were chosen by searching specifically for the keyword 'employee engagement'. Those articles were selected where the term employee engagement featured either in the title or in the abstract. A total of 159 articles were found which contained the search word 'employee engagement'. In the next step, abstract of these articles were reviewed and they were sorted by relevance. Out of the total 159 articles, only 56 articles were found to be precisely associated with employee engagement. These articles were then read to ascertain Abstract Though employee engagement has emerged as a major construct, there is substantial amount of ambiguity regarding its conceptualization and measures. This paper makes an attempt to critically review the existing literature around the construct and identify research gaps in the field for systematic empirical investigation in order to substantiate future studies. Review of literature was done in order to examine the gaps in the current literature. Four major gaps were identified through the review. Also, a conceptual framework has been developed which incorporates the identified gaps in research to conduct future empirical studies.
Employees are generally considered as the most important resource needed for an organization to achieve its main goals. Realization of goals achievement heavily depends on the extent to which these employees are engaged in their jobs and their organization. Employee engagement is a factor that contributes positively to employee productivity and then organizational effectiveness. It reveals that a conceptual confusion exists with regard to the meaning of employee engagement owing to that the concept has been defined by different scholars in different ways and also that there are several associated terms such as job satisfaction, job involvement, work involvement, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior which have been used in the literature, either synonymously or non-synonymously. Further a question arises to decide whether employee engagement is an attitude or a behavior. This paper seeks to provide a comprehensive conceptualization of employee engagement that results in formulating a working definition for research purposes involving the construct, and to explore its dimensions and elements for the purpose of measuring the construct.
Journal of Human Resources Management Research, 2021
Modern companies are well aware of the fact that employee engagement can contribute, in a decisive manner, to the company’s competitiveness and performance. This paper’s purpose is to analyse how employees’ engagement was defined over time in the literature, in order to highlight the methods by which employees’ engagement can be determined, to identify the factors that lead to employee engagement, and to highlight how a successful employee engagement program can be developed.
Abstract In the literature of Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior, it seems that growing attention has been given to employee engagement which is an employee related outcome contributing to organizational effectiveness. There is a conceptual confusion with regard to the meaning of employee engagement, as there are several associated terms such as job satisfaction, job involvement, work involvement, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior which have been used in the literature either synonymously or non-synonymously in addition to the labels of engagement. This paper seeks to provide a comprehensive conceptualization of employee engagement so as to develop an appropriate working definition for research purpose. Also an attempt was made to decide whether employee engagement is an attitude or a behavior, and to explore its dimensions and elements for the purpose of developing an instrument to measure the variables of employee engagement. Keywords: Human resource management, Organizational behavior, Employee engagement JEL Classification: E24, E29
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Jan 3, 2019 · The literature review of employee engagement reflected the following results. First, employee engagement starts with the personal work experience and is a typically individual
This working paper summarises the academic literature on employee engagement, its conceptualisation, antecedents, consequences, and relation to individual differences and employee involvement. It also identifies gaps and issues for future research on employee engagement.
Jun 1, 2020 · The purpose of the current literature review is to (a) provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between employee engagement and innovative behavior through the lens of the JD-R model; (b) identify and revisit the guiding theories underpinning employee engagement studies; and (c) construct an integrated conceptual framework based on empirically validated factors and their ...
EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT: A LITERATURE REVIEW 1G Nalini, 2Dr.Khyser Mohd 1Research Scholar, 2Head, Associate professor 1Dept. of Business Management 1Telangana University, Nizamabad, INDIA Abstract Modern organizations consider their employees to be full of enthusiasm, excitement and express initiative at work, they want them to take
Oct 1, 2008 · Employee involvement is an important factor in organizational success, which is able to drive productivity, innovation, and employee welfare. This literature review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of employee engagement, exploring the conceptualization, causes, outcomes, and measurement of employee engagement. The conceptualization of employee engagement involves the emotional ...
workers should be included in their vision to enhance employee engagement. It was also observed that employees believe their leadership is a major motivator for employee engagement. 2.4 Clarity of company values, policies and practices The quality of the dialogues between supervisors and employees affect the level of commitment
Oct 1, 2018 · Hence, this study aimed to discover (1) common methods and outcomes of employee engagement and (2) research gaps relating to employee engagement. The study employed the Systematic Literature ...
The present paper aims to understand the basic concept of employee engagement and to study the different dimensions of employee engagement with the help of review of literature. This paper is based upon review of literature and secondary data collected from various websites, journals, magazines, newspapers and reference books.
engagement with the help of review of literature. The study deals with the study of literature on Employee Engagement concept, and Human Resources Strategies This study is based on secondary data which is collected through referring journals, Books and websites. KEYWORDS: Employee Engagement, Organization, Human Resources Strategies
Engagement was Impact Factor (JCC): 5.2129 NAAS Rating: 3.25 Employee Engagement: A Literature Review 23 anchored around, a) how hard an employee worked, and b) how long they stayed. Employee brought rational and emotional commitment to their job, through a set of touch points (work, team, manager and organization) that resulted in the ...