1. Informatics

    motif based graph representation learning with application to chemical molecules

  2. Figure 2 from Motif-based Graph Self-Supervised Learning for Molecular

    motif based graph representation learning with application to chemical molecules

  3. Figure A.1: Motif Convolution Module. The convolution operation

    motif based graph representation learning with application to chemical molecules

  4. Figure 1 from Motif-based Graph Representation Learning with

    motif based graph representation learning with application to chemical molecules

  5. (PDF) Motif-Based Graph Representation Learning with Application to

    motif based graph representation learning with application to chemical molecules

  6. Informatics

    motif based graph representation learning with application to chemical molecules


  1. [SIGGRAPH 2023] A Sparse Distributed Gigascale Resolution Material Point Method

  2. Part 9: beyond localized graph neural networks: an attributed motif regularization framework

  3. Probabilistic ML

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