Jan 1, 2025 · Heinrich Hertz (born February 22, 1857, Hamburg [Germany]—died January 1, 1894, Bonn, Germany) was a German physicist who showed that Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism was correct and that light and heat are electromagnetic radiations. ... Nov 13, 2017 · On November 13, 1886, German physicist Heinrich Hertz succeeded to transmit electromagnetic waves from a sender to a receiver in Karlsruhe. Hertz conclusively proved the existence of the electromagnetic waves theorized by James Clerk Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory of light.[4] ... Hertz used a simple homemade experimental apparatus, involving an induction coil and a Leyden jar (the original capacitor) to create electromagnetic waves and a spark gap between two brass spheres to detect them. ... Mar 29, 2023 · Heinrich Hertz’s experiment was designed to produce and detect electromagnetic waves in order to demonstrate their properties. Here is how the experiment works: Producing Electromagnetic Waves : Hertz used a spark gap oscillator to produce high-frequency electromagnetic waves. ... Mar 26, 2018 · Finally, in September of 1887, Hertz found a way experimentally validated that light is an electromagnetic wave. How did he do that? Well, Hertz made a wave with vibrating electronics and then proved that his new invisible wave would travel across a room. ... Dec 23, 2023 · Heinrich Hertz was a famous physicist mostly known for experimentally producing electromagnetic waves or radiation, which have different frequencies and wavelengths and therefore different ... ... Oct 15, 2024 · Between 1886 and 1889, Hertz conducted a series of experiments that conclusively demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic waves. His experiments showed that these waves, like light waves, exhibited reflection, refraction, polarization, and interference. ... The most important Experiments and their Publication between 1886 and 1889. Innovations for the digital society of the future are the focus of research and development work at the Fraunhofer HHI. The institute develops standards for information and communication technologies and creates new applications as an industry partner. ... ">

heinrich hertz experiment

Heinrich Hertz and the Successful Transmission of Electromagnetic Waves

Heinrich Hertz (1857 – 1894)

On November 13 , 1886 , German physicist Heinrich Hertz succeeded to transmit electromagnetic waves from a sender to a receiver in Karlsruhe .  Hertz conclusively proved the existence of the electromagnetic waves theorized by James Clerk Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory of light.[4] The unit of frequency – cycle per second – was named the “ hertz ” in his honor.

“The rigour of science requires that we distinguish well the undraped figure of Nature itself from the gay-coloured vesture with which we clothe her at our pleasure.” — Heinrich Hertz, as quoted by Ludwig Boltzmann in a letter to Nature (28 February 1895)

Family Background and Education

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz came from a distinguished Hanseatic family. His father Gustav Ferdinand Hertz (original name David Gustav Hertz, 1827-1914) came from a Jewish family, but converted to Christianity. He had a doctorate in law, was a judge since 1877 and from 1887 to 1904 senator and president of the Hamburg administration of justice. The mother Anna Elisabeth née Pfefferkorn was the daughter of a garrison doctor. Hertz graduated from high school at the Johanneum in Hamburg and then prepared himself for engineering studies in a design office in Frankfurt am Main. He broke off his studies in Dresden after the first semester because he was only enthusiastic about the mathematics lectures there. After one year of military service, he began to study mathematics and physics at the Technical University of Munich.

In 1878 he moved to the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Berlin. He received his doctorate at the age of 23 with a thesis on the rotation of metal spheres in a magnetic field and remained with Hermann von Helmholtz in Berlin for two years as a research and lecture assistant.[5] In 1883 Hertz became a private lecturer in theoretical physics at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. From 1885 to 1889 he taught as a professor of physics at the Technical University of Karlsruhe.

The Transmission of Radio Waves

In Karlsruhe, Hertz experimented with Riess spirals and he noticed that discharging a Leyden jar  [6] into one of these coils would produce a spark in the other coil. The scientist came up with an idea to build an apparatus and intended to prove Maxwell’s theory. Hertz used a Ruhmkorff coil -driven spark gap and one-meter wire pair as a radiator. Capacity spheres were present at the ends for circuit resonance adjustments. His receiver was a simple half-wave dipole antenna with a micrometer spark gap between the elements. This experiment produced and received what are now called radio waves in the very high frequency range.

The first spark gap oscillator built by Heinrich Hertz around 1886

The scientist proceeded to conduct a series of experiments between 1886 and 1889, which would prove the effects he was observing were results of Maxwell’s predicted electromagnetic waves. He further discussed his results in his paper On Electromagnetic Effects Produced by Electrical Disturbances in Insulators . Heinrich Hertz sent a series of papers to Helmholtz at the Berlin Academy, including papers in 1888 that showed transverse free space electromagnetic waves traveling at a finite speed over a distance. In his device, the electric and magnetic fields would radiate away from the wires as transverse waves. Hertz had positioned the oscillator about 12 meters from a zinc reflecting plate to produce standing waves. Each wave was about 4 meters long. Using the ring detector, he recorded how the wave’s magnitude and component direction varied. Hertz measured Maxwell’s waves and demonstrated that the velocity of these waves was equal to the velocity of light. He further measured the the electric field intensity, polarity and reflection of the waves. These experiments established that light and these waves were both a form of electromagnetic radiation obeying the Maxwell equations.

Further Research

The external photoelectric effect discovered by Alexandre Edmond Becquerel in 1839 was also studied by Hertz in 1886. One year later, this investigation was continued by his assistant Wilhelm Hallwachs (Hallwachs effect). The effect played a special role in Albert Einstein ‘s formulation of the light quantum hypothesis in 1905.

Heinrich Hertz’s proof of the existence of airborne electromagnetic waves led to an explosion of experimentation with this new form of electromagnetic radiation, which was called “Hertzian waves” until around 1910 when the term “radio waves” became current.  Researchers like Oliver Lodge , Ferdinand Braun , and Guglielmo Marconi employed radio waves in the first wireless telegraphy radio communication systems, leading to radio broadcasting, and later television.

From 1889 he was professor of physics at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, after rejecting appointments to Berlin, Giessen and America. In 1892 Hertz was diagnosed with Wegener’s granulomatosis after a severe migraine attack, in 1894 he died of it in Bonn.

References and Further Reading:

  • [1]  Robertson, O’Connor.  “Heinrich Rudolf Hertz” .  MacTutor . University of Saint Andrews, Scotland .
  • [2]  Heinrich Hertz at Famous Scientists
  • [3]  Heinrich Hertz at Britannica Online
  • [4]  James Clerk Maxwell and the Electromagnetic Fields , SciHi Blog
  • [5]  Hermann von Helmholtz and his Theory of Vision , SciHi Blog
  • [6]  The Leyden Jar Introducing the Age of Electricity , SciHi Blog
  • [7] Heinrich Hertz at Wikidata
  • [8]  How Heinrich Hertz Discovered Radio to Validate Maxwell’s Equations ,  Kathy Loves Physics & History  @ youtube
  • [9]  Susskind, Charles. (1995).  Heinrich Hertz: A Short Life.  San Francisco: San Francisco Press.
  • [10]  Hertz, H. (1882).  “Ueber die Verdunstung der Flüssigkeiten, insbesondere des Quecksilbers, im luftleeren Raume” .  Annalen der Physik .  253  (10): 177–193.
  • [11]  “Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf”  .   Encyclopædia Britannica . Vol. 13 (11th ed.). 1911. pp. 400–401.
  • [12] Armin Hermann :  Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf.  In:  Neue Deutsche Biographie  (NDB). Band 8, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1969,  ISBN 3-428-00189-3 , S. 713 f.
  • [13] Robert Knott:  Hertz, Heinrich .   In:   Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie   (ADB). Band 50, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1905, S. 256–259.
  • [14] Timeline for Heinrich Hertz, via Wikidata

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Describe Hertz Experiment of Electromagnetic Waves

Hertz experiment of electromagnetic waves

The existence of electromagnetic waves was confirmed experimentally by Hertz in 1888. This experiment is based on the fact that an oscillating electric charge radiates electromagnetic waves. The energy of these waves is due to the kinetic energy of the oscillating charge.

Hertz experiment consists of two metallic plates of equal size, placed 60 cm apart, held parallel to each other. The experimental arrangement is as shown in Figure. It consists of two metal plates A and B placed at a distance of 60 cm from each other. The metal plates are connected to two polished metal spheres S 1 and S 2 by means of thick copper wires. Using an induction coil a high potential difference is applied across the small gap between the spheres. The gaps were difficult to see and required that he perform his investigations in a darkened room.

Fig; Hertz experiment

Hertz used a simple homemade experimental apparatus, involving an induction coil and a Leyden jar (the original capacitor) to create electromagnetic waves and a spark gap between two brass spheres to detect them. Due to the high potential difference across S 1 and S 2 , the air in the small gap between the spheres gets ionized and provides a path for the discharge of the plates. Thus the highly oscillating electric field is produced across the gap between the spheres which in turn produces an oscillating magnetic field of the same frequency in the horizontal plane perpendicular to the gap between spheres. This oscillating electric and magnetic field constitute electromagnetic waves. A spark is produced between S 1 and S 2 and electromagnetic waves of high frequency are radiated.

Hertz was able to produce electromagnetic waves of frequency about 5 × 10 7 Hz.

Here the plates A and B act as a capacitor having small capacitance value C and the connecting wires provide low inductance L. The high-frequency oscillation of charges between the plates is given by ν = 1/2π√LC.

Heinrich Hertz’s decision to go to Helmholtz and to work in his laboratory in Berlin had great significance for his career in research. In later experiments, he was able to calculate the speed of the radio waves he created and found it to be the same as the speed of light. A great number of subsequent developments, like radio and television, not to mention Wi-Fi, were spun out of his simple demonstrations. Hertz was well aware of the extent of his contribution.

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Hertz’s experiment electromagnetic waves, class 12

  • March 29, 2023
  • Electromagnetic Waves

The year was 1888, and a young physicist by the name of Heinrich Hertz was about to embark on a groundbreaking experiment that would forever change the course of science and technology. Armed with nothing but a spark gap oscillator and a loop antenna, Hertz set out to prove the existence of electromagnetic waves – waves that were believed to exist but had never been directly observed.

Hertz's experiment electromagnetic waves class 12

What followed was a series of ingenious experiments that demonstrated the properties of these mysterious waves and paved the way for the development of modern communication technologies such as radio, television, and wireless internet. In this article, we will dive into Hertz’s pioneering experiment and uncover the secrets of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Inside Story

What is the Hertz experiment for producing and detecting electromagnetic waves?

The Hertz experiment was a series of experiments conducted by German physicist Heinrich Hertz in the late 1800s aimed at producing and detecting electromagnetic waves. Hertz’s experiment involved using a spark gap oscillator to create high-frequency electromagnetic waves, which were then transmitted through space and detected by a receiver.

Hertz was able to demonstrate that the electromagnetic waves he produced were the same as light waves, with the same properties such as reflection , refraction, and interference. Hertz’s experiments helped to confirm the existence of electromagnetic waves and paved the way for the development of wireless communication technology.

Hertz’s experiment electromagnetic waves construction diagram

Hertz's experiment electromagnetic waves class 12

In this construction diagram, the spark gap oscillator is shown on the left, and the loop antenna and detector are shown on the right. The spark gap oscillator produces high-frequency electromagnetic waves, which are transmitted through space and received by the loop antenna. The detector is able to detect the tiny currents induced in the antenna by the electromagnetic waves, allowing Hertz to demonstrate the properties of these waves.

The diagram for Hertz’s experiment consists of three main components: a spark gap oscillator, a transmitting antenna, and a receiving antenna. Here is a breakdown of each component:

  • Spark Gap Oscillator: The spark gap oscillator consists of two metal spheres separated by a small gap. When a high voltage is applied to the spheres, a spark jumps across the gap, creating a burst of electromagnetic radiation. In the diagram, the oscillator is connected to a high-voltage source.
  • Transmitting Antenna : The transmitting antenna consists of a loop of wire connected to the spark gap oscillator. When the oscillator produces a burst of electromagnetic radiation, it induces a tiny current in the loop antenna, which then radiates the electromagnetic waves into space.
  • Receiving Antenna: The receiving antenna consists of a similar loop of wire placed a short distance away from the transmitting antenna. When the electromagnetic waves produced by the transmitting antenna reach the receiving antenna, they induce a tiny current in the loop, which is then detected by a sensitive detector.
  • Detector: The detector consists of a small metal sphere connected to two metal plates. When the current induced in the receiving antenna reaches the detector, it causes a spark to jump between the sphere and the plates, which can be seen and measured.

The construction diagram of Hertz’s experiment is relatively simple, but it required a high level of precision and attention to detail to achieve accurate results. The key components of the experiment were the spark gap oscillator, the transmitting and receiving antennas, and the sensitive detector, which together allowed Hertz to produce and detect electromagnetic waves and demonstrate their properties.

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How does Hertz’s experiment work?

Heinrich Hertz’s experiment was designed to produce and detect electromagnetic waves in order to demonstrate their properties. Here is how the experiment works:

  • Producing Electromagnetic Waves : Hertz used a spark gap oscillator to produce high-frequency electromagnetic waves. The oscillator consisted of two metal spheres separated by a small gap. When a high voltage was applied to the spheres, a spark would jump across the gap, creating a burst of electromagnetic radiation.
  • Transmitting Electromagnetic Waves: Hertz placed a loop antenna a short distance away from the oscillator. The electromagnetic waves produced by the oscillator were transmitted through space and induced a tiny current in the loop antenna.
  • Detecting Electromagnetic Waves: Hertz used a detector to measure the current induced in the loop antenna by the electromagnetic waves. The detector consisted of a small metal sphere connected to two metal plates. When the current induced in the loop antenna reached the detector, it caused a spark to jump between the sphere and the plates, which could be seen and measured.
  • Demonstrating Electromagnetic Wave Properties: Hertz was able to demonstrate several properties of electromagnetic waves using this setup, such as their ability to travel through space at the speed of light, their reflection and refraction properties, and their ability to interfere with each other.

By producing and detecting electromagnetic waves in this way, Hertz was able to confirm their existence and demonstrate their properties, paving the way for the development of modern communication technologies.

Watch this video for more reference:

Properties of electromagnetic waves demonstrated by Hertz’s experiment

Heinrich Hertz’s experiment demonstrated several properties of electromagnetic waves, which helped confirm their existence and paved the way for the development of wireless communication technology. Here are some of the key properties of electromagnetic waves that Hertz demonstrated:

  • Electromagnetic waves can be produced by an oscillating electric charge: Hertz used a spark gap oscillator to produce high-frequency electromagnetic waves.
  • Electromagnetic waves travel through space at the speed of light: Hertz showed that the waves he produced traveled through space at the same speed as light.
  • Electromagnetic waves have properties similar to those of light waves: Hertz showed that the electromagnetic waves he produced had properties such as reflection, refraction, and interference, which are also observed in light waves.
  • Electromagnetic waves can be polarized: Hertz demonstrated that the electric and magnetic fields of the electromagnetic waves he produced could be oriented in specific directions.
  • Electromagnetic waves can be detected by an antenna and a detector: Hertz used a loop antenna and a sensitive detector to detect the tiny currents induced in the antenna by the electromagnetic waves.

These properties of electromagnetic waves are now well-established and form the basis of modern communication technologies such as radio, television, and wireless internet.

Importance of Hertz’s experiment electromagnetic waves

The importance of Heinrich Hertz’s experiment cannot be overstated. This experiment was a critical step in the development of our understanding of electromagnetism and paved the way for many important technological advancements.

Here are some of the key reasons why Hertz’s experiment was so important:

  • Confirmed the existence of electromagnetic waves: Hertz’s experiment provided conclusive evidence that electromagnetic waves, which had been predicted by James Clerk Maxwell, were a real phenomenon. This was a major breakthrough in the understanding of electromagnetism and demonstrated the power of theoretical physics in predicting real-world phenomena.
  • Demonstrated the properties of electromagnetic waves: Through his experiments, Hertz was able to demonstrate several key properties of electromagnetic waves, such as their ability to travel through space at the speed of light, their reflection and refraction properties, and their ability to interfere with each other. This knowledge was essential for the development of technologies that rely on electromagnetic waves, such as radio, television, and wireless communication.
  • Paved the way for modern communication technologies: Hertz’s experiments provided the foundation for the development of many important technologies that rely on electromagnetic waves, including radio, television, and wireless communication. Without Hertz’s experiments, these technologies may not have been possible.
  • Inspired further research: Hertz’s experiments inspired a new era of research into electromagnetism and led to the development of many new technologies and applications. Hertz’s work has had a lasting impact on physics and engineering, and his legacy continues to inspire scientists and inventors today.

Hertz’s experiment was a major milestone in the development of our understanding of electromagnetism and its practical applications. The experiment helped to confirm the existence of electromagnetic waves, demonstrated their properties, and paved the way for the development of modern communication technologies that have transformed our world.

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What made hertz think that electromagnetic waves are transmitted during his experiment

Heinrich Hertz was able to infer that electromagnetic waves were being transmitted during his experiment by observing the behavior of the receiving antenna and the sensitive detector. When he applied a high voltage to the spark gap oscillator, a burst of electromagnetic radiation was produced which was then picked up by the transmitting antenna and radiated into space as electromagnetic waves.

Hertz then observed that when the electromagnetic waves reached the receiving antenna, they induced a tiny current in the loop, which was then detected by the sensitive detector. This suggested that electromagnetic waves were capable of inducing electric currents in conductive objects, which is one of the key properties of electromagnetic waves.

Hertz also observed other properties of electromagnetic waves, such as their ability to reflect and refract, and their interference patterns. By carefully measuring these properties, Hertz was able to conclude that electromagnetic waves were a real phenomenon and that they had many of the same properties as light waves.

Hertz’s experiment electromagnetic waves conclusion

Heinrich Hertz’s experiment helped to confirm the existence of electromagnetic waves and demonstrated several of their properties. Based on his experiments, Hertz drew several conclusions, including:

  • Electromagnetic waves are produced by oscillating electric charges.
  • Electromagnetic waves travel through space at the speed of light.
  • Electromagnetic waves have properties similar to those of light waves, such as reflection, refraction, and interference.
  • Electromagnetic waves can be polarized, meaning that their electric and magnetic fields can be oriented in specific directions.
  • Electromagnetic waves can be detected by an antenna and a detector.

These conclusions were critical in the development of wireless communication technology and our understanding of the nature of light. Hertz’s experiments helped pave the way for further research into electromagnetism and led to the development of many important technologies, including radio, television, and wireless communication.

Read Also :

  • Maxwell’s equations class 12: integral form, differential form, applications, and explanation
  • Electromagnetic waves class 12: definition, equation, graphical representation, and applications
  • Mathematical representation of electromagnetic waves, class 12
  • Maxwell’s prediction of electromagnetic waves, class 12

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs

How did hertz’s experiment produce sparks.

Hertz’s experiment produced sparks through the use of a spark gap oscillator. The spark gap oscillator consisted of two metal spheres separated by a small gap.

When a high voltage was applied to the spheres, a spark would jump across the gap, creating a burst of electromagnetic radiation. This burst of radiation would then be picked up by the transmitting antenna and radiated into space as electromagnetic waves.

What was the purpose of two metal spheres in the Hertz experiment?

The two metal spheres in Hertz’s experiment were part of the spark gap oscillator, which was used to create a burst of electromagnetic radiation.

The spheres were separated by a small gap and connected to a high voltage source, such as a spark coil or an induction coil. When a high voltage was applied to the spheres, a spark would jump across the gap, creating a burst of electromagnetic radiation.

This burst of radiation would then be picked up by the transmitting antenna and radiated into space as electromagnetic waves. The two metal spheres were essential for creating the spark that initiated the production of electromagnetic waves.

What type of electromagnetic waves are generated in the Hertz experiment?

The Hertz experiment generated electromagnetic waves in the radio frequency range, specifically in the range of about 30 MHz to 300 MHz. These waves are commonly referred to as radio waves, and they have long wavelengths and low frequencies compared to other forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as visible light or X-rays.

The specific frequency of the waves generated in Hertz’s experiment depended on the distance between the two metal spheres in the spark gap oscillator, and the strength of the voltage applied to the spheres.

What is the importance of Hertz’s experiment nowadays?

The importance of Hertz’s experiment nowadays is that it demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic waves, which are now widely used for various communication technologies, such as radio, television, cell phones, and wireless internet.

Hertz’s experiment confirmed the theoretical work of James Clerk Maxwell, who had predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves in the 1860s. Hertz’s experiment also led to the development of new technologies for generating, transmitting, and detecting electromagnetic waves, which have revolutionized modern communication systems.

Without Hertz’s experiment, it is unlikely that we would have the advanced communication technologies that we have today.

What is known as Hertzian wave?

Hertzian waves refer to electromagnetic waves that are produced by an oscillating electrical current and radiated into space as a form of electromagnetic radiation. The term “Hertzian” is named after Heinrich Hertz, who was the first person to demonstrate the existence of these waves in a series of experiments in the late 19th century.

Hertzian waves are more commonly known as radio waves, and they are used for various forms of wireless communication, such as radio broadcasting, television broadcasting, cell phone communication, and wireless internet.

Stay tuned with Laws Of Nature for more useful and interesting content.


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How Heinrich Hertz Discovered Radio Waves to Validate Maxwell’s Equation

How was the first radio wave discovered and why?  Well, it all had to do with a pessimistic young German scientist named Heinrich Hertz and a contest that he was too intimidated to try.This is one of the most influential experiments of all time. 

Table of Contents

Hermann von helmholtz, hertz’s early life, how hert’z discovered the photoelectric effect, hertz’s legacy.

heinrich hertz experiment

In 1879, Germany’s most famous scientist, Hermann von Helmholtz, had a great idea for the yearly “Berlin Prize” at the Prussian Academy of Science. 

He suggested that they offer a prize for experimentally proving the existence of electromagnetic waves that travel in space, or to experimentally prove “the theory of electrodynamics which was brought forth by Faraday and was mathematically executed by Mr. Maxwell.” Helmholtz had a 22-year-old graduate student that he thought was perfect for the job, Heinrich Hertz. 

Hertz thought about it but decided the problem was too difficult for him.  However, it planted the germ of the idea in his mind and he spent many years tackling the ideas of electromagnetic rays. 

His diary had entire days where the comments were simply lines like: “Thought about electromagnetic rays”, “Nothing but electromagnets”, “Worked on electromagnets all day”, “Electromagnets, still without success”, and my personal favorite because I identify with it too well “[realized] that most of what I have found so far is already known.”  He ended 1885 with “Happy this year is over, and hoping that it will not be followed by another like it.” 

It turned out 1886 was a far superior year, for both personal and professional reasons.  1886 was the year Hertz met a woman named Elisabeth Doll and fell in love.  Also, in the spring of that year, Hertz was showing his equipment to his new fiancée and happened to see a spark from a coil that was a distance from a discharging Leyden jar. 

How Heinrich Hertz Discovered Radio Waves to Validate Maxwell's Equation

Hertz was then inspired to attempt the experiment that had intimidated him seven years earlier. Finally, in September of 1887, Hertz found a way experimentally validated that light is an electromagnetic wave.  How did he do that?  Well, Hertz made a wave with vibrating electronics and then proved that his new invisible wave would travel across a room. 

He eventually proved that his new wave would reflect off of mirrors like light, bends through prisms like light and even moves at the speed of light!  Whoa.  What was this new invisible light?  Well, by the 1920s these waves, which were originally called Hertzian waves, were christened radio waves!

Side comment: when most people think “Radio” they think of music, which is why many people think that radio waves are really sound waves.  This is wrong.  Radio waves are invisible low-frequency light waves.  To explain this better, think about records and record players.  Records are disks made of vinyl with little bumps in them. 

When a needle bounces on the bumps it can be used to vibrate a cone and make music.  The record, therefore is not made of music, it is made of vinyl.  Radio waves are also not made of music, they are made of electromagnetic waves like light, but they can have “bumps” in the waves that can be used to create sound. 

Anyway, back to Hertz, how did he make radio waves?  Well, luckily Hertz had a device called a spark gap generator, which would transform the power from a DC battery into bursts of very high alternating voltage and a large spark.  I will describe how a spark gap works and how it was created in detail in the next video. 

Anyway, all Hertz had to do to create his invisible electromagnetic wave is to add an antenna.  So, that is what he did, he added two wires to the spark generator with metal spheres at the end.  Now he could create waves, but he had to detect them as well.  For that, he made a circular receiver with a tiny little gap in them with the hope that if they “caught” the wave, they could create a little spark that he could see.

He could then change the size of the gap to give him a sense of the strength of the wave.  [By the way he started with a square receiver with a gap but found the position of the gap would change the size of the spark so he switched to a circular receiver so that he could adjust the position of the spark gap by rotating the receiver].

This was not an easy experiment, Hertz recalled that, “the sparks are microscopically short, scarcely a hundredth of a millimeter long.  They only last about a millionth of a second.  It almost seems absurd and impossible that they should be visible; but in a perfectly dark room, they are visible to an eye, which has been well rested in the dark. 

Upon this thin thread hung the success of our undertaking.”  On November 5, 1887 he hesitantly sent a paper of his work to his old boss Helmholtz, “I have some misgivings about taking up your time but this paper deals with a topic that you yourself once urged me to tackle some years ago.”  Helmholz’s reply was immediate, a postcard that simply said, “Bravo!  Will hand it to be printed on Thursday.”

Suddenly Hertz was on a roll.  His wife Elisabeth wrote Hertz’s parents that work was going excellently, “He simply pulls these beautiful things out of his sleeve now!  Of course it makes him very happy, and me as well, when he tells me about it with a radiant face [although] I certainly understand nothing of it.”

first radio transmitter

Hertz then noticed that ultraviolet light altered his results, making him the first to notice the photoelectric effect. (I will revisit the photoelectric effect in video #38 when I get to Quantum Mechanics.)  Then, to Hertz’s surprise, he noticed that his new wave bounced off of mirrors, just like visible light does. 

So, Hertz set up a mirror parallel to the spark so that the wave would bounce back and forth and make a standing wave.  Standing waves are distinguished by the fact that they have points where the waves oscillate strongly (antinodes) and points where the waves destroy each other (nodes). 

apparatus for generating and detecting radio waves

Hertz moved his receiver between the antennae and the mirror and noted that the spark in his receiver would grow bigger at the antinodes and would disappear at the nodes.  In this way, Hertz measured the wavelength of the wave.  He also knew from theory that the spark gap generator produces waves of frequency of around 70 million waves per second, or 70 million Hertz (named after Heinrich). 

He then used the simple wave equation that speed is frequency times wavelength.  In this crude way, he measured that the speed of his wave was 320,000 km/s, which is quite close to the speed of light (300,000 km/s).  [Note: he didn’t break the speed of light, he just had small inaccuracies in his measurements].  

Hertz’s directional spark transmitter

Hertz had not only verified the idea that light was an electromagnetic wave, but he had also created his own world of invisible low frequency “light” that have transformed our world!

Hertz’s papers gained him almost instant international fame.  William Thompson, who had influenced both Faraday and Maxwell in their theories, said, “Hertz’s electrical papers are a permanent monument of the splendid consummation” of Faraday’s ideas that, “offended physical mathematicians” 56 years earlier.

Memorial of Heinrich Hertz

Hertz became a professor at Bonn University and bought a beautiful house with a slight “catch” that it used to be a medical clinic that might have been contaminated by chemicals.  Maybe for that reason or maybe for some other cruel trick of fate, Hertz began to have migraine headaches in July of 1892.  

He was diagnosed with a “blood disorder” and died on January 1 st of 1894 when he was only 36 years old leaving his distraught wife Elisabeth and two young daughters, aged 2 and 6.

It is tempting to think that if it weren’t for his untimely death, Hertz would have invented wireless telegraphy and maybe even radio communications.  However, when he was alive, he saw no practical uses for his discoveries, saying that his experiments were, “of no use whatsoever, this is just an experiment that proves Maestro Maxwell was right – we just have these mysterious electromagnetic waves that we cannot see with the naked eye.  But they are there.”

A few months after Hertz’s death, a 20-year-old Irish-Italian man named Guglielmo Marconi read an obituary of Heinrich Hertz and became obsessed with creating long-distance wireless telegraphs.  However, he might not have gotten very far as the spark gap generator wasn’t powerful enough to transmit radio across an ocean. 

Luckily for Marconi, Nikola Tesla had gone to the World’s fair in Paris and heard about “the miracle” of Hertz’s experiments.  Tesla then started tinkering with the spark gap generator and ended up inventing the Tesla coil!  But what exactly is a Tesla coil, how does it work, and why is it important?  Well, I’ll tell you next time on the secret history of electricity.

Krech, Eva-Maria; Stock, Eberhard; Hirschfeld, Ursula; Anders, Lutz Christian (2009).  Deutsches Aussprachewörterbuch  [ German Pronunciation Dictionary ] (in German). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 575, 580.

Dudenredaktion; Kleiner, Stefan; Knöbl, Ralf (2015) [First published 1962].  Das Aussprachewörterbuch  [ The Pronunciation Dictionary ] (in German) (7th ed.). Berlin: Dudenverlag. p. 440.

IEC History . Iec.ch.

“Biography: Heinrich Rudolf Hertz” . MacTutor History of Mathematics archive. Retrieved 2 February 2013.

Robertson, O’Connor.  “Heinrich Rudolf Hertz” .  MacTutor . University of Saint Andrews, Scotland. Retrieved 20 October 2020.

Hamburger Friedhöfe » Ohlsdorf » Prominente . Friedhof-hamburg.de. Retrieved 22 August 2014.

Plan Ohlsdorfer Friedhof (Map of Ohlsdorf Cemetery) . friedhof-hamburg.de.

IEEE Institute,  Did You Know? Historical ‘Facts’ That Are Not True Archived  10 January 2014 at the Wayback Machine

Susskind, Charles. (1995).  Heinrich Hertz: A Short Life.  San Francisco: San Francisco Press.

Appleyard, Rollo (October 1927).  “Pioneers of Electrical Communication part 5 – Heinrich Rudolph Hertz”  (PDF).  Electrical Communication . New York: International Standard Electric Corp.  6  (2): 63–77. Retrieved 19 December 2015.The two images shown are p. 66, fig. 3 and p. 70 fig. 9

Heinrich Hertz . nndb.com. Retrieved 22 August 2014.

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World History Edu

  • German History

Heinrich Hertz: Life and Major Accomplishments

by World History Edu · October 15, 2024

Heinrich Hertz’s work transcended his era, leaving a lasting impact on both theoretical physics and practical technology. His discoveries paved the way for the wireless communications revolution and laid the groundwork for the future of telecommunications, from radio to television to modern mobile networks.

heinrich hertz experiment

In Heinrich Hertz’s honor, the unit of frequency, cycle per second, was named “Hertz.”

READ MORE:  Most Influential German Physicists

Early Life and Family Background

Heinrich Rudolf Hertz was born on February 22, 1857, in Hamburg, Germany, then part of the German Confederation. His family was affluent and culturally distinguished, belonging to the Hanseatic merchant class.

Hertz’s father, Gustav Ferdinand Hertz, was a lawyer who later became a senator in Hamburg, and his mother, Anna Elisabeth Pfefferkorn, came from a well-to-do family. This privileged upbringing provided Hertz with a stable and stimulating intellectual environment, encouraging his broad academic interests from an early age.

Heinrich showed early promise in both the sciences and humanities. He attended the Gelehrtenschule des Johanneums in Hamburg, where he excelled in a variety of subjects, including languages and physics. His intellectual curiosity extended beyond the natural sciences, as evidenced by his study of Arabic during his school years. This well-rounded education set the foundation for his later scientific achievements.

Academic Journey and Influential Mentors

Hertz’s formal education in the sciences began when he pursued engineering studies in the German cities of Dresden, Munich, and Berlin. His time in Berlin would prove to be particularly significant, as it brought him under the tutelage of two of the most important figures in 19th-century science: Gustav Kirchhoff and Hermann von Helmholtz. Kirchhoff was a pioneer in circuit theory and spectroscopy, while Helmholtz was a leading physicist and physiologist who made major contributions to thermodynamics and the understanding of sensory perception.

It was under Helmholtz’s supervision that Hertz conducted his doctoral research, focusing on electromagnetism. Hertz earned his PhD from the University of Berlin in 1880, and his work at this stage laid the groundwork for his future discoveries in the field of electromagnetic waves. After completing his doctorate, Hertz remained in Berlin as Helmholtz’s assistant for three years. This was a period of intense academic growth, during which Hertz refined his understanding of Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism—a theory that would shape his later groundbreaking experiments.

Early Academic Career and Research at Kiel and Karlsruhe

In 1883, Hertz left Berlin to take up his first academic post as a lecturer in theoretical physics at the University of Kiel. His time at Kiel allowed him to delve deeper into the study of electromagnetism and other related phenomena.

However, his most important scientific accomplishments came after he moved to the University of Karlsruhe in 1885. At Karlsruhe, Hertz was appointed as a full professor of physics, and the environment there proved conducive to his groundbreaking research.

It was at Karlsruhe that Hertz embarked on the experiments that would lead to his most famous discovery: the existence of electromagnetic waves. His experimental work provided the first concrete validation of Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell’s theoretical predictions about electromagnetic radiation. Maxwell’s equations, formulated in 1864, predicted that oscillating electric and magnetic fields could propagate through space as electromagnetic waves. Maxwell had proposed that light was one form of these waves, but no one had yet been able to experimentally confirm the existence of other wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation. Hertz took on this challenge and succeeded.

Proving Maxwell’s Theory: The Discovery of Electromagnetic Waves

Hertz’s journey toward proving Maxwell’s theory began in earnest at Karlsruhe. In 1886, while experimenting with a pair of Riess spirals (induction coils), he observed that discharging a Leyden jar (an early type of capacitor) into one coil produced a spark in a second coil located nearby. This observation sparked Hertz’s interest in developing an apparatus to test Maxwell’s predictions.

Hertz constructed a device that included a dipole antenna—a pair of one-meter wires with a spark gap between their inner ends. He used a Ruhmkorff coil to generate high-voltage pulses (approximately 30 kilovolts) across the antenna, producing electromagnetic waves. To detect these waves, Hertz employed a resonant loop antenna with a micrometer spark gap. His apparatus allowed him to generate, transmit, and detect electromagnetic waves, providing the first empirical evidence for Maxwell’s theory.

Between 1886 and 1889, Hertz conducted a series of experiments that conclusively demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic waves. His experiments showed that these waves, like light waves, exhibited reflection, refraction, polarization, and interference. Hertz also measured the velocity of the electromagnetic waves and found that it matched the speed of light, thus confirming that light was indeed a form of electromagnetic radiation.

Hertz’s results were published in a series of papers, including his 1887 paper,  On Electromagnetic Effects Produced by Electrical Disturbances in Insulators . These papers provided a detailed account of the behavior of electromagnetic waves and offered the first direct experimental confirmation of Maxwell’s equations. Hertz’s work earned him international recognition and solidified his place in the annals of scientific history.

Impact on Wireless Communication and Radio Technology

Hertz’s discovery of electromagnetic waves had profound implications for science and technology. His experiments proved that electromagnetic radiation existed across a wide spectrum, and these waves could be generated and detected using electrical apparatus. This discovery laid the foundation for wireless communication technologies, including radio, television, and mobile phones.

In the decade following Hertz’s experiments, inventors such as Oliver Lodge, Ferdinand Braun, and Guglielmo Marconi began applying his findings to develop wireless telegraphy and radio transmission systems. Marconi, in particular, built on Hertz’s work to create the first practical radio communication system, which led to his being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1909, along with Braun, for their contributions to wireless telegraphy. Today, the entire field of wireless communication, from radio to Wi-Fi, traces its origins back to the experiments of Heinrich Hertz.

Initially, electromagnetic waves were referred to as “Hertzian waves” in honor of Hertz’s contributions. The term was eventually replaced by “radio waves,” but the unit of frequency, the hertz (Hz), was named in his honor. The hertz is now a standard unit of measurement for frequency, representing one cycle per second.

Contributions to the Photoelectric Effect and Cathode Rays

In addition to his work on electromagnetic waves, Hertz made several other significant contributions to physics. One of his lesser-known but highly influential discoveries was his observation of the photoelectric effect in 1887. Hertz found that ultraviolet (UV) light could cause certain materials to emit charged particles. Specifically, he observed that a charged object would lose its charge more easily when exposed to UV radiation. Although Hertz did not pursue this phenomenon further, his work laid the groundwork for later investigations into the photoelectric effect.

In 1905, Albert Einstein provided a theoretical explanation for the photoelectric effect, which became one of the key pieces of evidence for the quantum theory of light. Einstein’s work on the photoelectric effect earned him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921. Hertz’s initial observations were thus crucial to the development of quantum physics.

Hertz also conducted important early experiments with cathode rays. He initially believed that cathode rays were electrically neutral, but subsequent research by J.J. Thomson demonstrated that they were, in fact, streams of negatively charged particles, later identified as electrons. Hertz’s work contributed to the growing understanding of atomic structure and helped pave the way for the discovery of the electron and the development of X-ray technology.

Contributions to Contact Mechanics

Hertz’s scientific contributions extended beyond electromagnetism. In the early 1880s, he made significant advances in the field of contact mechanics. In 1881 and 1882, Hertz published two papers on the behavior of curved surfaces when pressed together—a phenomenon now known as Hertzian contact stress. His research was important for understanding how materials behave under load, and it has applications in fields ranging from tribology (the study of friction, wear, and lubrication) to material science and nanotechnology.

Hertz’s work on contact mechanics remains foundational to modern engineering, particularly in the design and analysis of mechanical systems where surfaces come into contact under pressure. His theories have been further refined over the years but continue to be widely used in engineering and material science.

Philosophy of Science and Hertz’s Legacy

Hertz was also deeply interested in the philosophical implications of his scientific work. In his posthumously published book  Die Prinzipien der Mechanik in neuem Zusammenhange dargestellt  ( The Principles of Mechanics Presented in a New Form , 1894), Hertz sought to reformulate Newtonian mechanics by removing what he considered “empty assumptions” and placing the principles of mechanics on a more solid empirical foundation. He was critical of the Newtonian concept of force and action at a distance, favoring field theories that better aligned with his experimental findings on electromagnetic waves.

Hertz’s philosophical reflections on mechanics later influenced the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, who drew inspiration from Hertz’s ideas in his seminal work  Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus . Wittgenstein’s “picture theory” of language, which posits that language is a way of representing the world, was in part inspired by Hertz’s approach to reformulating physical theories in terms of observable phenomena.

Personal Life and Death

In 1886, Hertz married Elisabeth Doll, the daughter of Max Doll, a geometry lecturer at Karlsruhe. The couple had two daughters, Johanna and Mathilde. Mathilde would go on to become a noted biologist and comparative psychologist, while Johanna pursued a similarly intellectual path, though less is known about her career.

Tragically, Hertz’s promising life and career were cut short by illness. In 1892, Hertz began to suffer from severe migraines and was diagnosed with an infection, possibly related to a malignant bone condition. Despite undergoing several operations, his health continued to deteriorate. On January 1, 1894, at the age of just 36, Heinrich Hertz died in Bonn, Germany. He was buried in Hamburg at the Ohlsdorf Cemetery.

Legacy and Honors

Although Hertz died young, his scientific legacy is immense. His discovery of electromagnetic waves provided the foundation for the modern age of wireless communication, and the unit of frequency, the hertz (Hz), was named in his honor by the International Electrotechnical Commission in 1930.

Today, Hertz’s name is associated with a wide range of scientific and engineering achievements, and his work continues to influence modern physics, communication technologies, and even philosophy.

The Heinrich Hertz Institute for Oscillation Research was founded in Berlin in 1928 to honor his contributions, and the institute continues to be a leading center for research in telecommunications. In addition, the IEEE Heinrich Hertz Medal, established in 1987, is awarded annually for outstanding achievements in electromagnetic waves and radio-frequency technologies.

Frequently Asked Questions

heinrich hertz experiment

Hertz’s legacy includes his contributions to electromagnetism, the naming of the unit of frequency (hertz), and his foundational role in wireless communication technologies.

When and where was Heinrich Rudolf Hertz born?

Hertz was born on February 22, 1857, in Hamburg, part of the German Confederation.

What was Hertz’s educational background, and who were his notable mentors?

Hertz studied sciences and engineering in cities like Dresden, Munich, and Berlin. In Berlin, he studied under Gustav Kirchhoff and Hermann von Helmholtz, two of the most prominent scientists of the time. He earned his PhD from the University of Berlin in 1880.

What was Hertz’s first academic position?

In 1883, Hertz took his first academic post as a lecturer in theoretical physics at the University of Kiel.

Where did Hertz conduct his groundbreaking research on electromagnetic waves?

Hertz conducted his research on electromagnetic waves at the University of Karlsruhe, where he was appointed as a full professor in 1885.

What theoretical work laid the foundation for Hertz’s research on electromagnetic waves?

Hertz’s research was based on the theoretical work of James Clerk Maxwell, who had predicted in 1864 that oscillating electric and magnetic fields would propagate through space as electromagnetic waves.

heinrich hertz experiment

Image: James Clerk Maxwell

How did Hertz experimentally prove Maxwell’s theory?

Hertz used a dipole antenna and a Ruhmkorff coil to generate electromagnetic waves. He detected these waves using a resonant loop antenna with a spark gap, conclusively proving the existence of electromagnetic waves between 1886 and 1889.

What were some of the properties of electromagnetic waves that Hertz demonstrated?

Hertz showed that electromagnetic waves exhibited reflection, refraction, polarization, and interference, similar to light waves.

What impact did Hertz’s discovery of electromagnetic waves have on science and technology?

Hertz’s discovery led to a surge in research on electromagnetic waves, eventually contributing to the development of wireless communication technologies like radio and television.

What other contributions did Hertz make to physics?

Hertz discovered the photoelectric effect in 1887, observing that certain materials emitted charged particles when exposed to ultraviolet light. He also conducted early experiments on cathode rays, contributing to the understanding of electrons.

What was Hertz’s work in contact mechanics?

Hertz published two papers in 1881 and 1882 on contact mechanics, studying how two curved surfaces behave when pressed together, forming the basis of Hertzian contact stress theory, which is important in material science and nanotechnology.

How did Hertz’s work influence the philosophy of science?

Hertz’s 1894 book  Die Prinzipien der Mechanik  sought to reformulate Newtonian mechanics, criticizing the concept of force and action at a distance. His work later influenced philosophers like Ludwig Wittgenstein.

When and how did Hertz die?

Hertz died on January 1, 1894, at the age of 36, in Bonn, Germany, after suffering from a medical condition.

Tags: Electromagnetic Waves Heinrich Hertz James Clerk Maxwell Ludwig Wittgenstein Photoelectric effect

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  • Biography of Heinrich Hertz

The most important experiments of Heinrich Hertz

  • 90 years HHI

The most important Experiments and their Publication between 1886 and 1889.

Experiments on the induction associated with the discharge of a Leyden jar

Initial experiments with the spark micrometer

Experiments with sparks produced on the discharge of a Rühmkorff coil

Successful experiment on induction between two open circuits at a distance of 1.5 m from each other

Detection of resonance phenomena between two electric oscillations

Observation of oscillation nodes

Letter to Helmholtz in which Hertz reports on his successful experiments

Initial experiments on the induction effect of dielectrics (with paraffin)

Quantitative experiments on electric resonance

Observation of the effect of light on the discharge sparks

Experiments with electric light

Further experiments on the effect of light

Hertz sends off the paper "On very rapid oscillations" to the Annalen der Physik und Chemie

Experiments on the reciprocal effects of discharge sparks

Investigation of the passage of light through liquids, gases and a vacuum

Experiments on deflection in prisms and on rectilinear propagation

Experiments on the effects of various types of light

Experiment on the effect of light on the discharge of electrostatically charged bodies

Experiments relating to the photographing of the ultraviolet spectrum and its absorption

Hertz sends off the paper "On an effect of ultra-violet light upon the electrical discharge" to the Annalen der Physik und Chemie

Hertz writes a shortened version for the reports of the meetings of the Berlin Academy of Sciences

Experiments on birefringence

Experiments on the effect of light on liquid electrodes and spark discharges

Letter to his father in which Hertz reports on his experiments on the effect of ultraviolet light on electric discharges

Experiments with discharge sparks

Resumption of experiments on rapid electric oscillations

On discovering disturbances which affect the experiments Hertz moves into the auditorium

Experiments on the relative position of the electric circuits

Completion of a drawing, presumably related to the paper "On the action of a rectilinear electric oscillation upon a neighbouring circuit" for the Annalen der Physik und Chemie

Experiments on the influence of dielectrics with books (paper) and asphalt

Experiments on phase differences

Experiments with apparatus of smaller dimensions and with books as dielectric

Experiments with a block of sulphur

Experiments with petroleum

Experiments with paraffin and a block of pitch/ Termination of these experiments for the time being

Hertz sends off the paper "On electromagnetic effects produced by electric disturbances in insulators" to Helmholtz

Discovery of standing electric oscillations in rectilinear wires

Experiments with various kinds of wire

Experiments on interference between waves in air and waves in wires

Experiments on the velocity of propagation

Letter to Helmholtz in which Hertz reports on his latest successful experiments

Further experiments on interference

Experiments on phase in wire and on the velocity of propagation

Confirmation of the finite velocity of propagation

Experiments on the shadowing effects of sheet metal and on reflection from walls

Letter to his parents in which Hertz reports on his experiments on the velocity of propagation

Hertz sends off the paper "On the finite velocity of propagation of electromagnetic actions" to Helmholtz

Initial experiments with a smaller circular resonator and a microscope to observe the sparks of the discharge

Experiments on the formation of shadows by electromagnetic rays

Experiments with a large concave mirror

Standing waves are obtained for the first time during experiments in the auditorium

Experiments with plane mirrors

Letter to Helmholtz in which Hertz reports on reflection and on standing waves

Experiments with rectilinear secondary conductor

A copy is made of the paper "On electromagnetic waves in air and their reflection" and presumbly sent off to the Annalen der Physik und Chemie

Experiments on the propagation of waves in rectilinear wires

Experiments with spirals

Experiments with broad strips of metal in order to determine the depth of penetration of the waves

Experiments with an "electromagnetic bird-cage"

Experiments to determine the thickness of the layer carrying the waves

Experiments on propagation in spirals

Experiments with wire with serrations

Experiments with metal tubes

Experiments with electrolytes

Experiments on the penetration of conductors by the electric field

Experiments on the penetration into the interior of closed hollow spaces

Preparatory work on the paper "The forces of electric oscillations, treated according to Maxwell's theory" for the Annalen der Physik und Chemie

Completion of drawings for the paper ("Hertzian Dipole")

Experiments with small resonators; discovery of short waves in wires

Discovery of short waves in space

Experiments with a parabolic concave mirror

Initial experiments with two concave mirrors

Experiments moved to the storage rooms

Experiments on rectilinear propagation and on reflection; letter to Helmholtz in which Hertz reports on his latest experiments

Experiments on reflection and polarization

Unsuccessful experiment on diffraction

Experiments on diffraction with a prism of pitch

Work on the paper "On electric radiation", which is sent to Helmholtz before Dec 12th

Experiments on the reflection of waves in a tube

Experiments on the transmission of waves through a tube

Drawings completed for the publication of the paper "On electric radiation" in the Annalen der Physik und Chemie

This paper is sent off to the Annalen

Experiments on the penetration into closed tubes

Work on a summary of the experiments to be published as "Recherches sur les ondulations électriques" by the Archives de Sciences Physiques et Naturelles (Geneva)

Completion of the manuscript for the above summary

Hertz sends off the paper "On the propagation of electric waves by means of wires" to the Annalen der Physik und Chemie


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